In this episode, Wayne talks to ‘’Raj’’ Venkatramani MD. Rajkumar Venkatramani (“Raj”) is a pediatric cancer researcher, oncologist, real estate investor, entrepreneur, founder, and manager at REIDOC Capital LLC. Raj went to medical school in India and trained in London, Illinois, and California. Raj has a master’s degree from the University of Southern California and an MBA from the University of Massachusetts. Raj owns and manages several rental properties in Houston and has invested in multi-family syndications for more than 5 years. He has invested both as a limited partner and a general partner in more than 1200 apartment units. Raj is passionate about helping doctors invest in apartment syndications.
Today, Raj answers questions about why doctors use commercial multi-family investing as a gateway to financial independence, and what motivates medical professionals to feel passionate about real estate investing.
Topics on Today’s Episode:
- How Raj began investing in real estate. Education is key, and Raj is passionate about educating professionals in his field on how to properly vet real estate syndicators and make the right decisions.
- How to build relationships with syndicators to help doctors find the correct Real Estate Syndicator.
- What should doctors look for when vetting a sponsor?
- Why might physicians hesitate to invest? 1. No time for a learning curve 2. Fear of recession 3. Too good to be true 4. Stocks are easier
- Have you had the experience of an offer that is too good to be true? Past performance cannot guarantee future results. Covid also created unusual growth.
- Why real estate syndication is ideal for doctors? Top 3 Reasons: 1. Diversification 2. Tax Benefits 3. Higher Returns
- Doctors become high earners later than most professionals because of the length of education. Doctors are high-income earners but not necessarily wealthy. They have significant med school debt, and the health care system is enlarging so they expect lower W2 income. Furthermore, Doctors are motivated by the ability to have financial independence and focus more on helping patients and healing. Finally, covid has made doctors rethink priorities, most would like to be able to spend more time with family since death can come earlier than expected.
- Raj’s online course for passive investors: Doctor Syndication School (link below)
- How Raj balances w2 job, family, and syndication.
- With the current state of the economy, are there certain markets Raj is focused on? Texas and the southeastern US due to population growth, job growth, and landlord-friendly laws. Raj diversifies within this market by assessing each deal on its own merits.
- What to look for when underwriting a deal. Raj has become more conservative regarding rent growth and increase in cap rate or final sale price.
- What is Raj finding is one of the most overlooked aspects of real estate investing? Expenses are shifting due to inflation, as well as insurance details.
- Reach Raj through LinkedIn or other social media through searching ReiDoc Capital, feel free to reach out.
Rajkumar Venkatraman
CREI Partners
Rajkumar Venkatramani says
Thanks Wayne for interviewing me for this episode. Wayne is a great host who puts his guests at ease. He is very knowledgeable about the multifamily space. i look forward to future collaborations with him.